Weekly Impact Reports:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Stanley Junior BERNARD
Stanley Junior BENARD is educator, polyglot and photographer from Haiti. He is a very dedicated young dynamic person involved in community life. In addition to being part of the organizing committee of Youth LACIGF20, he is an active member of the Haitian chapter of the Internet Society and also a member of the Youth observatory and Youth4IG. Stanley's also an ambassador for many international organizations. He is a Global peace ambassador for Global peace Chain, a HultPrize ambassador in his University, a Global Good Will ambassador, a World literacy Foundation ambassador, a World Youth parliament for Children ambassador just to name a few. Stanley was a delegate represented the country of Georgia in the Global Model United Nations realized by Italy. Stanley has a background in Social sciences, specifically in history and geography and has also received many certificates from online classes. During the pandemic crisis, Stanley has received two fellowships in Internet governance, one from the Internet Society (ISOC) and the other one from the South School on internet Governance(SSIG) from Argentina. Last year, He volunteered in the local chapter's IGF, where he had met and learned from keynotes speakers on topics related to disinformation, defamation, and intoxication on the Internet in Haiti. Stanley's interest for IG has pushed him to apply for the Youth IGF Ambassador program 2020 and has been selected to attend the e-learning phase. Moreover, he has been selected to be part of the Youth4DigitalSustainability working Group. However, Stanley is a co-founder of SDGs for Haiti, a student-led project initiative that aims to implement the United Nations 2030 agenda in their community by providing creative solutions to local problems under SGD 3. He is also certified in the SDGs from many online classes. His love and passion for the SDGs has recently lead him to be appointed the position of Regional Coordinator for the SDG Corps for the Caribbean. He is also certified in a mooc entitled (Climate change, risks and challenges) organized by the Deutches Klima Konsortium. He has been also volunteering since 2010 in many youths organizations like Young men christian Association(YMCA), Action towards initiatives and volunteering for Education in Haiti(ACTIVEH), Youth Association for Development(YAD) and Project3413, those two are focusing on the SDGs and specically SDG 3, 4 and 13. Currently, Stanley is doing an internship in a Canadian organization (Mennonite Central Committee-MCC), an online internship with the International MUN and at the same time working on several projects with young people in several organizations.